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9.3. Lupulagem e a conversão de humulone em iso-humulone considerando saturação

using DifferentialEquations
using Statistics
using LsqFit
using Optim
using Plots
using Images

Forma e composição do lúpulo

hop cones

Hop anatomy

Hop composition

Total resins


Alpha-acids distribution

Dissociação, isomerização e degradação

Isomerization and degradation

Equações de reação

\[ \begin{cases} b' = - \kappa_0 b, \\ r' = \kappa_0 (1-p)b, \\ a' = \kappa_0 pb - \kappa_1 ah + \kappa_{-1}ih, \\ i' = \kappa_1 ah - \kappa_{-1}ih - \kappa_2ih, \\ s' = \kappa_2ih. \end{cases} \] \[ \begin{cases} a' = -\kappa_1 ah + \kappa_{-1}ih, \\ i' = \kappa_1 ah - \kappa_{-1}ih - \kappa_2ih, \\ \end{cases} \] \[ \begin{cases} a' = -\kappa_1 a, \\ i' = \kappa_1 a - \kappa_2i, \\ \end{cases} \]


Bitter acids of hops

\[ \begin{cases} a' = -\kappa_1 f(a, \bar a), \\ i' = \kappa_1 f(a, \bar a) - \kappa_2i, \\ \end{cases} \]

Funções de modelagem de saturação

nosat(x, x̄) = x

blackman(x, x̄) = min(x, x̄)

teissier(x, x̄) = x̄ * (1 - exp(- 2 * log(2) * x / x̄))

teissier_mod(x, x̄) = x̄ * (1 - exp( - x / x̄))

monod(x, x̄) = x̄ * x / ( 2 * x̄ + x)

# List of the symbols with the names of the defined functions saturation/no-saturation functions

const SATFUNS = (:nosat, :blackman, :teissier, :teissier_mod, :monod)

# Plot saturation functions
# solubility limit for the humulone alpha-acid in wort at 100C and pH about 5.2 (Spetsig)
x̄ = 380
x = 0.0:4.0x̄
plot(title="Funções de saturação com limite de solubilidade x̄ = $x̄", ylim=(0, 1.5*x̄), titlefont=10)
for f in SATFUNS
    plot!(x, x -> eval(f)(x, x̄), label="$f")
display(plot!(xlabel="concentração (mg/l)", ylabel="concentração parte solubilizada (mg/l)"))

Equações diferenciais do sistema de reações químicas

    dudt_nosat!(du, u, params, t)

Right hand side of the system of reaction equations

x' = -k₁x
y' = k₁x - k₂y

modeling the chain reaction X → Y → Z, with reaction rates k₁ and k₂,
function dudt_nosat!(du, u, params, t)
    x, y = u
    k₁, k₂ = params
    f = k₁ * x
    g = k₂ * y
    du[1] = - f
    du[2] = f - g

    dudt_Blackman!(du, u, params, t)

Right hand side for the system of reaction equations with Blackman-type

x' = -k₁ * min(x,x̄)
y' = k₁ * min(x,x̄) - k₂ * y

It models the chain reaction X → Y → Z, with reaction rates k₁ and k₂,
respectively, and with a hard threshold saturation behavior for the component x,
i.e. the reaction rate is dictated by the saturation limit x̄, once the saturation
is achieved, or by the concentration itself, even if it is close to the 
saturation limit.
function dudt_Blackman!(du, u, params, t)
    x, y = u
    k₁, k₂, x̄ = params
    f = k₁ * min(x, x̄)
    g = k₂ * y
    du[1] = - f
    du[2] = f - g

    dudt_Teissier!(du,u, params,t)

Right hand side for the system of reaction equations with Teisser-type
saturation behavior:

x' = -k₁ * x̄ * (1 - exp(-2 * log(2) * x / x̄))
y' = k₁ * x̄ * (1 - exp(-2 * log(2) * x / x̄)) - k₂ * y

It models the chain reaction X → Y → Z, with reaction rates k₁ and k₂,
respectively, and with a smoothed out saturation behavior as modeled by Teissier.
function dudt_Teissier!(du, u, params, t)
    x, y = u
    k₁, k₂, x̄ = params
    f = k₁ * x̄ * (1 - exp(-2 * log(2) * x / x̄))
    g = k₂ * y
    du[1] = - f
    du[2] = f - g
    dudt_Teissier_mod!(du, u, params, t)

Right hand side for the system of reaction equations with modified Teisser-type
saturation behavior:

x' = -k₁ * x̄ * (1 - exp( x / x̄ ))
y' = k₁ * x̄ * (1 - exp( x / x̄ )) - k₂ * y

It models the chain reaction X → Y → Z, with reaction rates k₁ and k₂,
respectively, and with a smoothed out saturation behavior as modeled by 
a slight modification of the Teissier model; see [`dudt_Teissier!`](@ref).
function dudt_Teissier_mod!(du, u, params, t)
    x, y = u
    k₁, k₂, x̄ = params
    f = k₁ * x̄ * (1 - exp(- x / x̄))
    g = k₂ * y
    du[1] = - f
    du[2] = f - g

    dudt_Monod!(du, u, params, t)

Right hand side for the system of reaction equations with Monod-type
saturation behavior:

x' = -k₁ * x̄ * x / (2 * x̄ + x)
y' = k₁ * x̄ * x / (2 * x̄ + x) - k₂ * y

It models the chain reaction X → Y → Z, with reaction rates k₁ and k₂,
respectively, and with a smoothed out saturation behavior as modeled by 
the Monod model.
function dudt_Monod!(du, u, params, t)
    x, y = u
    k₁, k₂, x̄ = params
    f = k₁ * x̄ * x / ( 2 * x̄ + x )
    g = k₂ * y
    du[1] = - f
    du[2] = f - g

    const RHSLAWS

List of implemented RHS reaction laws.
const RHSLAWS = (
    :dudt_nosat!, :dudt_Blackman!, :dudt_Teissier!, :dudt_Teissier_mod!, :dudt_Monod!



Fate of humulone during boil

humulone_in = [37.2; 79.1; 97.7; 118.6; 158.1; 190.7; 384.9; 672.1]
humulone_wort = [14.0; 24.4; 23.8; 34.9; 46.5; 52.3; 79.1; 99.4]
humulone_break = [7.0; 9.3; 10.5; 12.8; 15.1; 18.0; 62.2; 180.2]
isohumulone_wort = [27.3; 39.5; 51.2; 59.3; 76.7; 91.9; 159.3; 206.4]
isohumulone_break = [1.7; 4.1; 5.8; 7.0; 8.7; 12.2; 46.5; 96.5]
humulone_remaining = humulone_wort + humulone_break
isohumulone_remaining = isohumulone_wort + isohumulone_break

Exploração dos dados

plot(humulone_in, humulone_wort, label=false, color=1, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_wort, label="humulone no mosto", legend=:topleft, color=1)
plot!(humulone_in, humulone_break, label=false, color=2, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_break, label="humulone no hot-break", color=2)
plot!(humulone_in, isohumulone_wort, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_wort, label="iso-humulone no mosto", color=3)
plot!(humulone_in, isohumulone_break, label=false, color=4, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_break, label="iso-humulone no hot-break", color=4)
plot!(title="Destino de quantidades crescentes de humulone após fervura do mosto por 1h30min",
    titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="concentração (mg/l)")
plot(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining , label="iso-humulone restante",  color=3)
plot!(humulone_in, humulone_remaining, label=false, color=1, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_remaining , label="humulone restante", color=1)
plot!(title="Humulone e iso-humulone restantes após fervura do mosto por 1h30min", legend=:topleft,
    titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="concentração (mg/l)")
plot(humulone_in, 100 * isohumulone_remaining ./ humulone_in,  label=false, color=7, linestyle=:dot, ylims=(20.0, 80.0))
scatter!(humulone_in, 100 * isohumulone_remaining ./ humulone_in,  label=false, color=7, linestyle=:dot)
plot!(title="Taxa de rendimento após fervura do mosto por 1h30min", titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", 
        ylabel="taxa de rendimento (%)")


Parâmetros para a análise

# Both reaction rates from Malowicki and Shellhammer [Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 53, No. 11, 2005], Table 3 for humulone at 100C
k₁ = 0.01141 
k₂ = 0.00263
# solubility limit (mg/l) for the alpha-acid in wort at 100C and pH about 5.2 (Spetsig)
x̄ = 380
# solubility limit (mg/l) for the iso-alpha-acid at 100C and pH 5.2 ???  
ȳ = 1000 # não usaremos esse dado nessa análise
# parâmeros
β₀ = [k₁, k₂, x̄]
# tempo de fervura
tspan = (0.0, 90.0)


Solução da reação pelos diversos modelos e sem ajuste

isohumulone_model = Dict()
humulone_model = Dict()
for rhs in RHSLAWS
    isohumulone_model[rhs] = zero(humulone_in)
    humulone_model[rhs] = zero(humulone_in)
    for (i,h) in enumerate(humulone_in)
        # lupulagem inicial (humulone e iso-humulone)
        u0 = [h; 0.0]
        prob = ODEProblem(eval(rhs), u0, tspan, β₀)
        sol = solve(prob,Tsit5())
        humulone_model[rhs][i], isohumulone_model[rhs][i] = sol(90.0)
plot(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining , label="dados experimentais", legend=:topleft, color=3)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    plot!(humulone_in, isohumulone_model[rhs], label=false, color=8, linestyle=:dash)
    scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_model[rhs], label="modelo $rhs", color=12+i)
plot!(title="Iso-humulone existente após fervura do mosto por 1h30min",
    titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="iso-humulone (mg/l)")
plot(humulone_in, humulone_remaining, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_remaining , label="dados experimentais", legend=:topleft, color=3)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    plot!(humulone_in, humulone_model[rhs], label=false, color=8, linestyle=:dash)
    scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_model[rhs], label="modelo $rhs", color=12+i)
plot!(title="Humulone restante após fervura do mosto por 1h30min",
    titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="humulone (mg/l)")

Ajuste dos modelos

Ajuste pelo humulone via LsqFit

model = Dict()
fit = Dict()
N = length(isohumulone_remaining)
ih_mean = mean(isohumulone_remaining)
ih_ss_tot = N * var(isohumulone_remaining)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    model[rhs] = (h, β) -> solve(ODEProblem(eval(rhs), [h,0.0], (0.0, 90.0), vcat(β, [x̄])),Tsit5())(90.0)[2]
    fit[rhs] = curve_fit((h,β) -> model[rhs].(h, Ref(β)), humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, β₀[1:2])    
    β = fit[rhs].param
    ih_ss_reg = sum(abs2, reduce(vcat, model[rhs].(humulone_in, Ref(β))) .- ih_mean)
    ih_r_sq = ih_ss_reg/ih_ss_tot
    ih_ss_res = sum(abs2, reduce(vcat, model[rhs].(humulone_in, Ref(β))) - isohumulone_remaining)
    ih_rms = sqrt(ih_ss_res/N)
    println("Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): $β")
    println("R-quadrado isohumolone: $ih_r_sq")
    println("RMS isohumulone: $ih_rms")
Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.008631773605844035, 0.002257256566397736]
R-quadrado isohumolone: 1.0278876944934439
RMS isohumulone: 13.329220883890573

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.009017424706878007, 0.0004900353686267176]
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.9144030917374586
RMS isohumulone: 3.6669139849711962

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.015499377349404684, 0.0069404684918681365]
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.883999806954589
RMS isohumulone: 3.4948075279649196

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.015873469676036946, 0.004665427076832028]
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.8784681370300489
RMS isohumulone: 3.8355465568571203

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.026064526353466903, 0.0025606061854166772]
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.8749924203205051
RMS isohumulone: 4.268874164020054

Ajuste por humulone e iso-humulone via Optim

Ajustando parâmetros de reação

model = Dict()
result = Dict()
N = length(humulone_remaining)
h_mean = mean(humulone_remaining)
ih_mean = mean(isohumulone_remaining)
h_ss_tot = N * var(humulone_remaining)
ih_ss_tot = N * var(isohumulone_remaining)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    model[rhs] = (h, β) -> solve(ODEProblem(eval(rhs), [h,0.0], (0.0, 90.0), vcat(β, [x̄])),Tsit5())(90.0)
    custo(β) = sum(abs2, [humulone_remaining isohumulone_remaining] - reduce(hcat, model[rhs].(humulone_in, Ref(β)))')
    result[rhs] = optimize(custo, β₀[1:2])
    β = Optim.minimizer(result[rhs])
    sol = model[rhs].(humulone_in, Ref(β))
    h_ss_reg = sum(abs2, getindex.(sol,1) .- h_mean)
    ih_ss_reg = sum(abs2, getindex.(sol,2) .- ih_mean)
    h_r_sq = h_ss_reg/h_ss_tot
    ih_r_sq = ih_ss_reg/ih_ss_tot
    println("Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): $β")
    println("Mínimo: $(Optim.minimum(result[rhs]))")
    println("R-quadrado humolone: $h_r_sq")
    println("R-quadrado isohumolone: $ih_r_sq")
    println("RMS: $(√Optim.minimum(result[rhs])/2/N)")
Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.010144418040115682, 0.0042858097157648725]
Mínimo: 1799.2582466924716
R-quadrado humolone: 0.8452650111289023
R-quadrado isohumolone: 1.0278884590217867
RMS: 2.651104020241844

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.01155359801957841, 0.004398130472054673]
Mínimo: 692.9510956956045
R-quadrado humolone: 0.9713057530089871
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.9726383177243538
RMS: 1.6452477678334516

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.013347266166541175, 0.004892959840850376]
Mínimo: 3131.5938376748395
R-quadrado humolone: 1.1772500256018745
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.8295778965885672
RMS: 3.4975403397841376

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.015764104097738225, 0.004567617167143235]
Mínimo: 1531.7371758338352
R-quadrado humolone: 1.0929345565160673
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.876711898127038
RMS: 2.446088375979273

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂): [0.029690161789117438, 0.004433290937858485]
Mínimo: 1067.3083103721667
R-quadrado humolone: 1.0512347400315978
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.8997602316814145
RMS: 2.0418553052043813

Ajustando parâmetros de reação e limite de solubilidade

model = Dict()
result = Dict()
N = length(humulone_remaining)
h_mean = mean(humulone_remaining)
ih_mean = mean(isohumulone_remaining)
h_ss_tot = N * var(humulone_remaining)
ih_ss_tot = N * var(isohumulone_remaining)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    model[rhs] = (h, β) -> solve(ODEProblem(eval(rhs), [h,0.0], (0.0, 90.0), β),Tsit5())(90.0)
    custo(β) = sum(abs2, [humulone_remaining isohumulone_remaining] - reduce(hcat, model[rhs].(humulone_in, Ref(β)))')
    result[rhs] = optimize(custo, β₀)
    β = Optim.minimizer(result[rhs])
    sol = model[rhs].(humulone_in, Ref(β))
    h_ss_reg = sum(abs2, getindex.(sol,1) .- h_mean)
    ih_ss_reg = sum(abs2, getindex.(sol,2) .- ih_mean)
    h_r_sq = h_ss_reg/h_ss_tot
    ih_r_sq = ih_ss_reg/ih_ss_tot
    println("Parâmetros (k₁, k₂, x̄): $β")
    println("Mínimo: $(Optim.minimum(result[rhs]))")
    println("R-quadrado humolone: $h_r_sq")
    println("R-quadrado isohumolone: $ih_r_sq")
    println("RMS: $(√Optim.minimum(result[rhs])/2/N)")
Parâmetros (k₁, k₂, x̄): [0.010144417674465214, 0.004285813285149323, 446.9
Mínimo: 1799.2582466356318
R-quadrado humolone: 0.8452650675331407
R-quadrado isohumolone: 1.0278880905035894
RMS: 2.651104020199969

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂, x̄): [0.011460271899265306, 0.0043601433019040585, 385.
Mínimo: 691.3157433181836
R-quadrado humolone: 0.9661980332722065
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.9773700890397345
RMS: 1.6433052432024475

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂, x̄): [0.009243128310965382, 0.004309517864384318, 1005.
Mínimo: 739.2449526006355
R-quadrado humolone: 0.97900675690795
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.9457493497183038
RMS: 1.6993162142745042

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂, x̄): [0.01281368245065706, 0.00430951157355529, 725.267
Mínimo: 739.244952591077
R-quadrado humolone: 0.9790065770093259
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.9457499024113977
RMS: 1.6993162142635179

Parâmetros (k₁, k₂, x̄): [0.025789473854399413, 0.004306270657952952, 641.5
Mínimo: 753.4164478848406
R-quadrado humolone: 0.9780758205297444
R-quadrado isohumolone: 0.9453347892550671
RMS: 1.7155270325909058


isohumulone_model_adj = Dict()
humulone_model_adj = Dict()
for rhs in RHSLAWS
    isohumulone_model_adj[rhs] = zero(humulone_in)
    humulone_model_adj[rhs] = zero(humulone_in)
    for (i,h) in enumerate(humulone_in)
        # lupulagem inicial (humulone e iso-humulone)
        u0 = [h; 0.0]
        prob = ODEProblem(eval(rhs), u0, tspan, Optim.minimizer(result[rhs]))
        sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
        humulone_model_adj[rhs][i], isohumulone_model_adj[rhs][i] = sol(90.0)
plot(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, marker=:star, label="dados experimentais", legend=:topleft, color=3)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    plot!(humulone_in, isohumulone_model_adj[rhs], label=false, color=8, linestyle=:dash)
    scatter!(humulone_in, isohumulone_model_adj[rhs], label="modelo $rhs", color=12+i)
plot!(title="Iso-humulone existente após fervura do mosto por 1h30min",
    titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="iso-humulone (mg/l)")
for (i, rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    p = plot(humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
    scatter!(p, humulone_in, isohumulone_remaining, marker=:star, legend=nothing, color=3)
    plot!(p, humulone_in, isohumulone_model_adj[rhs], color=8, linestyle=:dash)
    scatter!(p, humulone_in, isohumulone_model_adj[rhs], color=12+i)
    plot!(p, title="Iso-humulone restante; modelo $rhs",
        titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="iso-humulone (mg/l)")

plot(humulone_in, humulone_remaining, label=false, color=3, linestyle=:dot)
scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_remaining , marker=:star,
    label="dados experimentais", legend=:topleft, color=3)
for (i,rhs) in enumerate(RHSLAWS)
    plot!(humulone_in, humulone_model_adj[rhs], label=false, color=8, linestyle=:dash)
    scatter!(humulone_in, humulone_model_adj[rhs], label="modelo $rhs", color=12+i)
plot!(title="Humulone restante após fervura do mosto por 1h30min",
    titlefont=8, xlabel="humulone adicionado (mg/l)", ylabel="humulone (mg/l)")

Evolução temporal (WIP)

Fate of humulone

tempos = 60.0 * (0.5:0.5:3.0)
hum_wort = [670, 597, 523, 448, 386, 333]./18
hum_break = [117, 115, 114, 95, 72, 56]./18
iso_wort = [552, 820, 958, 1038, 1095, 1130]./18
iso_break = [40, 49, 69, 79, 100, 116]./18
scatter(tempos, hum_wort, color=1, label="humulone mosto")
plot!(tempos, hum_wort, color=1, linestyle=:dash, label=false)
scatter!(tempos, hum_break, color=2, label="humulone hot-break")
plot!(tempos, hum_break, color=2, linestyle=:dash, label=false)
scatter!(tempos, iso_wort, color=3, label="isohumulone mosto")
plot!(tempos, iso_wort, color=3, linestyle=:dash, label=false)
scatter!(tempos, iso_break, color=4, label="isohumulone hot-break")
plot!(tempos, iso_break, color=4, linestyle=:dash, label=false)
plot!(title="Evolução humulone e isomulone no mosto e no hot-break", titlefont=10,
    xlabel = "tempo (hr)", ylabel="concentração (mg/l)", 
    xlim=(0.0, 3.5 * 60.0), legend=:topleft)
rhs = :dudt_Blackman!
β = Optim.minimizer(result[rhs])
prob = ODEProblem(eval(rhs), [20.0, 50.0], (0.0, 180.0), β)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
[0.011460271899265306, 0.0043601433019040585, 385.47195347537354]
[0.01141, 0.00263, 380.0]
scatter(tempos, hum_wort + hum_break, color=1, label="humulone (dados)")
scatter!(tempos, iso_wort + iso_break, color=2, label="iso-humulone (dados)")
plot!(sol, label=["humulone" "isohumulone"])
plot!(title="Evolução humulone e iso-humulone (dados e modelo $rhs)", titlefont=10,
    xlabel = "tempo (s)", ylabel="concentração (mg/l)", 
    xlim=(0.0, 3.5 * 60.0), legend=:topleft)