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2.2. Literated Julia Script

This page was generated from a julia script, automatically converted to markdown with Literate.jl. The conversion happens automatically when the menu is constructed.

Julia Dots

PNG with path relative to site, i.e. /assets/images/julia-logo-dots-small.png, but this only works in the Franklin-rendered site:

Julia dots

Julia Speeder

GIF with path relative to file and within _assets/, i.e. ../../_assets/images/juliaspeeder32x32.gif, and postprocessed accordingly, so it works both in Franklin and in Literate:

Julia speeder


Inline, as in \(e^{i\pi} = -1\), or in a block:

\[ \exp(i\pi) + 1 = 0 \]

Code chunks

Here is a julia chunk:

x = 1

and another:

println("hello world!")
hello world!

Load file

Keep in mind that Literate renders this from the root dir, which is different from the way Weave handles it (c.f. Section 2.3. Weaved Julia Script):


With that settled, we can use the proper path (but for some weird reason, I first need to check whether the file exists before attempting to open it, otherwise Literate complains the file does not exist 🤷):

filename = "_assets/data/wow.txt"

if isfile(filename)
    open(filename) do io
        read(io, String)
"Wow, this seems like a cool template!"


using Plots

x = 0.0:0.01:2π
y = sin.(2x) + sin.(5x)

plot(x, y, title = "A nice wave", titlefont=12, label = false)

Last modified: March 16, 2022. Built with Franklin.jl, using the Book Template.