2.1. Franklin's Markdown

As usual with sites built with Franklin.jl, you may easily insert math and execute code when desired.

Julia Dots

PNG with path relative to site, i.e. /assets/images/julia-logo-dots-small.png:

Julia dots

Julia Speeder

GIF with path relative to site, i.e. /assets/images/juliaspeeder32x32.gif:

Julia speeder


\[ \exp(i\pi) + 1 = 0 \]

Code chunks

Here is a julia chunk:

x = 1

and another:

println("hello world!")
hello world!


using Plots
x = 0.0:0.01:2π
y = sin.(2x) + sin.(5x)
plot(x, y, title = "A nice wave", titlefont=12, label = false)

Last modified: March 16, 2022. Built with Franklin.jl, using the Book Template.