1.7. Binder Configuration

As explained in Section 1.6. Pages, the link_binder_notebook can be set to true in order to display a badge link to launch the associated Jupyter notebook of each page on Binder (only for pages processed by Weave or Literate). For that to happen properly, the following configuration variables must be set in config.md:

The following variables are also used for Binder:

One could use the same repository for the contents of the book and for building the Binder environment. However, every time you make a change to the contents of the book and push it to the repo, Binder will have to rebuild the sysimage and that may take several minutes.

The best approach is to have a separate branch or repository for the Binder setup, which is called the puller repo. The repo/branch with the notebooks is called the pulled repo. This is the magic that nbgitpuller does. The puller repo only needs to contain some minimal configuration for Binder, along with the Project.toml file with all the packages to be used by the notebooks.

Typically, Project.toml in the puller repo would be nearly the same as that in the pulled repo. The difference is that Franklin, Weave, Literate, and NodeJS don't need to be there, because they are not (usually) used by the notebooks themselves, only for building the static site.

Note, however, that if you don't launch Binder for some time, then the sysimage may not be stored anymore and it may take a long time again. But if you use it with some reasonable frequency, this should speed up the process considerably.

In this template repository, we have the following configuration:

Last modified: March 16, 2022. Built with Franklin.jl, using the Book Template.